Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Flexible Design - Oh Yeah!

As I suspected, a flexible design seems like much more my style.  I like the concept of triangulating to combine many methods of data collection.  I think my design will ultimately fall somewhere in the realm of a case study/grounded theory study.  I especially like the idea of the grounded theory study, which will allow me to continually collect bits and pieces of information in the field, mull it all over, and go back to see what else I can find.

Possible methods of data collection I have been considering include:

--> A detailed analysis of the library collection and materials - not just counting the number of non-literary materials available, but also examining the collection with an eye for purpose, usefulness and depth of the non-literary collection.  Is the collection of DVDs, audio CDs, and books on tape or CD mainly geared toward recreational purposes or does it also contain educational and practical materials (such as a DVD on car repair)?   Is the non-literary and the early adult reader collection diverse and varied in subject matter and medium?  Does the library provide access to a DVD or CD/tape player that can be used onsite by patrons?

--> Interviews with library staff regarding their views toward illiteracy and the library's involvement with the non-literate community.  What do they see as the purpose of the library?  Who is it there to serve?  I would also get their thoughts on the diversity of the library collection, the collection guidelines they follow, and their organization-wide practices toward and treatment of minority groups.

--> Interviews with non-literate members of society.  [Note:  I have started using the term "non-literate" as a way to encompass the idea of illiterate adults as well as those who are aliterate, or simply do not read, even though they can.  All my research will be focusing on adults and will not include children who have not yet learned to read.]  These interviews would attempt to gather information on how these people feel the library serves them (or does not serve them).  Do they ever go to the library?  If no, why not?  Would they go if they knew the library had materials they could use?  Are they interested in DVDs, CDs, media, computer programs, adult picture books, books on tape or CDs?  Would their interest level change if the library provided means for watching DVDs or listening to CDs?  If they do go to the library, why do they go?  How do they feel they are treated there by staff and other patrons?

--> Other possible interview candidates might include politicians; members of NGOs, organizations and associations that advocate for education rights, illiteracy reduction, etc.; volunteers such as ESOL or adult education teachers; or members of library associations such as the ALA or SCLA.

--> Literary research on the history of thought and philosophies surrounding the purpose of the government-funded community library.  Who is it there to serve, what kind of materials should it offer, and how have these ideas changed in recent years with the advent of technology and the emphasis on collecting non-book materials?  There are some pretty strong opinions out there about the fact that books have been fading to the background in most library systems these days.  If my research considers whether there is a need to add more (or better) non-literary materials to a collection, these are viewpoints I will need to consider.

-->  I've also considered possibly doing a role-play type activity in the library, where myself and other volunteers or recruits would enter an unfamiliar library and attempt to take on the mindset of someone who cannot read.  This might include trying to find certain materials without reading signs, asking library staff for assistance, and filling out an application for a library card as someone who cannot read or write.  Then I would interview candidates to find out their experiences in this activity - how they felt they were treated, if they were comfortable in the library, if they were able to find their way around or if staff was willing to assist them, etc.  This type of thing may be too unscientific for a legitimate research proposal, but I thought it might be an interesting thing to try.

One of the main challenges I face so far has been trying to determine the best way to pick out interview candidates that are unable to read or only read at a very low level.  Although illiteracy is widespread in America, it is not something that is typically broadcast openly, and even if I ask, I cannot be sure that people will honestly admit such a thing.  I definitely think I would need to conduct this study in a fairly large, urban library, at least the size of the Richland County Main Library.  I volunteered for RCPL for a little while and noticed a lot of patrons who clearly are not coming to the library to read.  It is largely well-known and accepted in Columbia that many homeless people and people who may not have air conditioning in their homes come to the library as a place to hang out in indoor comfort, especially in the summertime.  These patrons could make good interview candidates if I were able to get some of them to open up to me.

That is all for now - thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Another thoughtful reflection! Lots of possible avenues for you to pursue! They all seem great to me. And people who are not literate (whatever we mean by not literate) could well use visually or aurally oriented materials as well as programming or just a facility for whatever purpose. The main problem as you note identification if you focus on the non literate patron; some of your other approaches that focus on librarians or officials would not require identification. Another thought: some libraries/library systems/governments/non-profits have literacy coordinators. Such people may have some ideas about identification of non literate.
